Kinesiology traditionally means the study of muscles and movement. Today, it is used in a wider context to describe the science of muscle testing as a tool which can be used to detect and correct imbalances in the body whether physical or emotional.
Kinesiology links traditional Chinese acupuncture points and meridians with Western muscle testing and anatomy. It balances the body by releasing energy blocks, reducing tension, encouraging the body to eliminate toxins and may aid the body's natural healing ability.
By treating the body as whole, kinesiology works with mind, spirit and emotions to improve well-being on all levels. I have used it to help clients with a wide variety of health problems. Other areas which have improved have been co-ordination, sports performance, reading and writing skills and enhanced artistic skills.
Kinesiology can indicate food intolerances and allergies and provide biofeedback on suitable nutritional needs. In my experience, when the body is balanced and emotional blocks released, many allergies and intolerances cease to be a problem.
In the early sixties, George Goodheart, an American chiropractor began using muscle testing to evaluate muscle performance, posture and structural imbalances. Research led him to link the meridian energy flow with particular muscles and organs. He named this system 'Applied Kinesiology' and he shared this knowledge with other professionals and chiropractors.
John Thie, an early graduate of Applied Kinesiology, wanted to make this knowledge available to lay-people so that they could help themselves. His method is ‘Touch for Health’ the most widely used system of Kinesiology in the world.
Three in One Kinesiology aims to clear emotional, physical and behavioural problems which stem from past experience and traumas. This may remove old behaviour patterns allowing new choices and changes to be made on many levels. It is a non-invasive treatment which may gently release blocks allowing you to reach your goals and fulfill your full potential.
I have also studied Holistic Retuning, primal reflex techniques and many other related forms of kinesiology which I incorporate into sessions to provide the maximum benefit to my clients. Many sessions will include EFT and Meridian therapy techniques to enhance the behavioural kinesiology tools.
I use kinesiology sessions with clients with problems such as autism, weight problems, low self-esteem, anorexia, fears and phobias, exam nerves and dyslexia. Dyslexia covers learning difficulties which may be linked to times of stress when learning to read but can also include any blindspots caused by the stress of past experiences in your life. These may affect relationships, communication, motivation and self-esteem.
This course provides an introduction to Muscle testing for the lay person, particularly for those working with Reiki and other forms of healing.
The course includes :-