
I love teaching and helping you develop on your path of healing, energy work and spiritual development whether you are a therapist or looking to help yourself and your family and friends.


These are the courses I have taught in the past but I’m always keen to add more if you have something you want to learn that is in my toolkit!

Classes are taught in small groups with a maximum of 6 students so that I can ensure you get what YOU need from the course.

Space Clearing and Feng Shui Course

I’ve had very positive feedback from the Space Clearing and Feng Shui courses and they’ve been such fun to teach so I will include them in this year’s program. I am continually trying to let go of clutter and things that no longer benefit me or the house or treatment room. The start of a new year is always a great time to focus on letting go in this way so new ideas can flow in to your life, home and business. The course is designed to help you improve the energy flow in your home.

There are three main parts to the course:

The course is in two parts. A full day on the different aspects above then time to go away and experiment with what you have learned. There will then be a follow up zoom session when we can discuss any problem areas you have found since the course and how to correct areas in your home.

The course costs £125 for the two sessions and a comprehensive manual is included

Attracting Abundance course

We live in interesting and challenging times and I feel drawn to teach another workshop on Attracting Abundance. We need to feel grounded and safe while all around us is changing and life feels more uncertain that usual. I want to show you how to manifest what you want and need, not what you fear!

We will look at your personal blocks stopping you attracting abundance in all areas of your life not just on a financial level and do some EFT on them to release them.

I will take you through a meditation to tap into your abundance ‘control room’ and reset each area of your life to increased abundance. The participants last year loved this meditation.

I’ll also teach you some grounding techniques that will help you stay down to earth and rooted.

We will look at writing your abundance cheque to the Universe and how to get the best possible result.

This was the feedback from one lady.



I must tell you what has happened since your abundance class a few years ago.

I have been practicing using the exercises you taught and have had some extraordinary results.

+ Read More


Basic EFT Courses

The EFT courses are proving great fun and very powerful for many people. I’m really pleased with the feedback from the courses and I believe they are a valuable tool for self-development and for working with friends and clients. Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is easy to learn and can be used for emotional problems and also for physical conditions and pain management, weight issues etc. I’m getting excellent results with it in my sessions and many of you will have had some ‘tapping’ done during a reiki or kinesiology session with me. Whenever I have a bad experience with things, I EFT tap and release the problems straight away! This is the course for those of you who would like to learn something similar to ‘my’ form of kinesiology as it will help you to overcome many of your own issues.

The course is for one day from 9.30 until about 4 p.m. and costs £100. A comprehensive manual is included.

Discover Your Perfect Body

This course is always great fun to teach and the results were life-changing for some of the students. The course uses EFT and NLP Techniques to improve your relationship with food and weight issues. This will hopefully stop us all yo-yo dieting! As a Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant, I am enjoying helping my new clients change their weight and shape but as a therapist, I prefer to combine this very effective diet programme with my own blend of therapies and tools to blitz any unhelpful emotional patterns that affect the relationship with food and body image. I believe this course will help blend the physical effects of any diet or healthy eating regime with the behavioural changes that EFT and NLP can provide.

The course will teach you how to use EFT for any aspect of your life but during the course we will concentrate on weight and the emotions behind weight issues, and the reasons we put on weight and regain lost weight. We will work on turning up your metabolism and resetting your body’s ‘Set Point’ which is the weight it feels is your natural weight. One lady could feel her stomach muscle tightening after she worked on her ‘wobbly tummy’!

I’ll teach you some NLP techniques to help you change your mental image of yourself so you can use the power of your mind to complement whatever healthy eating or diet programme you are following.

The course is for one day from 9.30 until about 4 p.m. and costs £100. A comprehensive manual is included.

One day courses cost £100 and have a maximum of 4-6 people so your own needs can be met and everyone gets individual guidance.

Kinesiology Tools Days

This course provides an introduction to muscle testing particularly for those working with Reiki and other forms of healing. It is a very practical day and lots of fun.

The course includes: -

The course is for one day from 9.30 until about 4 p.m. and costs £100. A comprehensive manual is included.

Usui Reiki

Traditional Usui Reiki is a wonderful introduction to the amazing world of healing and working with the intuition. It provides the grounding for any spiritual or healing development. Many therapists start with an anatomy and physiology course and then add their chosen specialisations such as aromatherapy or reflexology.To me, Usui Reiki is the Anatomy and Physiology course for those wanting to work with any form of intuitive work whether that be tarot, healing or those of us who want to return to working more with the powers of the intuive and creative side right side of the brain.

First Degree Course

During this course, you will receive four attunements which free the flow of Reiki healing energy within you. The history of Reiki, its ideals and how it works will be discussed and your questions answered. You will be shown how to scan the body to sense energy blockages, how to treat various ailments by laying your hands on the receiver’s body and the hand positions used to give a full treatment to yourself or someone else. By the end of the course you will be confident in treating yourself and others.

This course costs £125.00

Second Degree Course

This course includes a further attunement which substantially increases the power of your Reiki. You will be given symbols to enable you to send Reiki to others at a distance, use Reiki to empower your projects such as selling a house, losing weight etc., and work on negative emotions such as depression, sadness, fear etc. You will learn how to clear negative energy in a room, how to protect yourself, your family, your home etc., using Reiki.

This course costs £190.00

I usually teach Reiki 1 and 2 as intensive one day courses with a maximum of 4 people on the course.

Reiki Master and Reiki III Courses

I’m happy to run these whenever you ask for them, so if you feel ready, please let me know.

Other ideas for courses that I’d like to develop in 2023 are:-

Working with power animals- this can be your individual animal or we can work with the energy of a particular animal – eg the swan is about relationships

Working with angels/fairies/goddesses – again we can work with your individual helper or work with a particular angel/fairy/goddess eg Archangel Michael for protection.